Social Care
Whatever the challenge, our broad range of services, knowledge and expertise can offer the solution that supports and empowers our clients and their loved ones.
Supported living accommodation
Independence, dignity and the potential for personal growth are the key values behind our selection of supported living options.
Residential homes
With us, clients can relax, have fun and express themselves in a safe and nurturing environment. From enhancing their social and communication skills with a view to future independence, to simply enjoying the company of those around them, our residential homes provide a secure space for people to learn, live and grow.
Leaving Care
We provide a bespoke service for care leavers, supporting them in learning independent living skills and ability to manage their own finances and any other life skills. Our main aim for care leavers is to ensure that they have somewhere suitable to live. What we mean about suitable is that, it has to be right, safe and most importantly it has to be where the care leavers prefers to live.
Home care & Reablement
For some people, the ability to continue living in their own home or with relatives is essential to their peace of mind. Whether you need round-the-clock care or just a little assistance with daily tasks, such as washing, cooking or medication, our support can help you to stay exactly where you want to be.
Sleep-in & wake-in nights
During the night is often the time when people need the most care and reassurance that there is someone on hand to help if required. We can provide sleeping or waking staff throughout the night, ready to attend to your needs and help you get a good night’s sleep.
Live-in carers
With our sensitive and personalised approach to care, you can be sure that your live-in carer will understand your unique needs and wishes. Our live-in carer service offers the independence of home living combined with the security of full-time support and companionship.
Short break / respite services
Self-care is vitally important for anyone who supports family members or friends with physical, mental or learning challenges. Carers can rest assured that their loved ones will be in expert hands – in a friendly, fun and safe environment – while they take a break to rejuvenate and refresh.
Day services
Our day services provide a place for people to learn new skills, enjoy social connections and build their confidence – all while making new friends and having a great deal of fun.
Learning disabilities & mild /severe autism
We support people with mild to profound learning disabilities, including those with complex needs, limited communication and challenging behaviour issues. It is our aim to help everyone discover and fulfil their potential, enjoy their world and achieve personal growth in safe and friendly environments.
Mental health disabilities
Focusing on care, support and recovery, we help people with mental health disabilities to gain control, confidence and independence with our range of highly specialised services.
Elderly care
Whatever level of care you require, be assured that our highly trained and respectful staff are driven by the desire to meet your personal needs, with a focus on dignity, compassion and independence.
Complex care needs
Our expertise means that we can offer an excellent service to clients who have complex care needs such as tracheostomy, NG tubes, peg feeds, oxygen dependence and ventilator dependence.